Stake, Secure, and Earn
Witval is Vitwit's validator. Being early adopters and one of the core contributors to cosmos-SDK modules, Vitwit has its deep expertise in running validators and its operations. Our ability to design and develop test nets, incentivized test nets and main nets keep us ahead in the validator community. We believe governance and delegator funds security are of paramount importance. Vitwit is a place for one-stop solutions for all validator activities. We are also running validators on behalf of our clients
Why Witval
We host our validator servers in a datacenter with uptime SLA of 99.995% and industry lowest design PUE of 1.38. We use multiple sentry nodes hosted on different cloud providers and regions to prevent any DDoS attacks. We also offer 100% protection against any slashing events.
Key Features
We are one of the fastest growing staking service providers in the ecosystem and provide our validator services for over 15 networks.
Partnered Network
  • Akash Network
  • Oasis Labs
  • E-money
  • Matic-network and 11 more